Thursday, January 22, 2009

she didn't have a clue then

some people just amaze me. where do i begin? one, for instance, has the responsibility of a two year old. another, takes the feelings of others for granted, treating it like trash. some change with the company of different people, becoming an entirely different person altogether (im sure Obama's vision of Change doesn't run THAT deep), probably with the hopes to impress? some.. let's just say actions speak louder than words, and we definitely see through the veil of lies you've spun to mask what you've wished to hide (honestly it's not difficult at all). and most feel that it's very appropriate and definitely a-okay to vent their every frustration on the people they are with. tsk tsk. where do i begin...

currently, i like to blame my recent inability to wake up in the morning for school on withdrawals, haha. however, with each day that passes i feel the stress of the workload from school slowly lighten. dissolve. dissipate (and every other word which as any relation to the simple meaning of GONE). BUT! the real reward only comes on the fifth of the week, when i actually get to chill out, and drink liquid gold MUAHAHA.

besides that, i realised i haven't been handling my money properly these past few weeks, and that's definitely something to work on A.S.A.P.

im saving myself, one problem at a time. GOBRENDONGO!

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