Wednesday, February 25, 2009
coffee shop soundtrack
hurr imeem doesn't have this version of the song how sad.
I can keep a secret if you can keep me guessing
The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me pressing
For more than just a moment of truth between the lies told
To pull ourselves away from the lives we leave back
I can keep a secret if you can keep me guessing
The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me here, keep me here
Monday, February 23, 2009
to think i wished for you. put you ahead of myself. to think i wished for you, to not let the stresses of life affect you. to not let your three kids (especially me) worry you too much. to think i wished for you to be happy. i don't look for fancy dinners or money, really. oh well..
awesome start to the day really (with only just a small hint of sarcasm). thanks to everyone for the wishes, love you all deep deep. i am happy. yes, and i will remain happy. :D :B :P :)
awesome start to the day really (with only just a small hint of sarcasm). thanks to everyone for the wishes, love you all deep deep. i am happy. yes, and i will remain happy. :D :B :P :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
the one where i couldn't sleep
sometimes i wish i could just peek into your mind, just so i could know what you think.
sometimes i wish i could just peek into your mind, just so i could know what you think.
okay so my mom has agreed to sponsor like 10% of the cost for Coldplay, which is honestly not a lot, but i am thankful. maybe i should listen to the radio more, see if they've got competitions hehehe, yes that's how desperate i am, cos the tickets are close to sold out plus im not ready to spend 250 just like that (plans, plans!) :/ somehow i think i will end up not going, fucking bigass let down, but hey, i'll try anyway. so yes, besides that, my attempts to study have been abysmal. and i sure hope i'll start getting worried (and for my sake, soon). tomorrow's a new day, and i promise to wake up by 12... make it 1.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
i plead, i beg
you know what would be a really awesome birthday present?
Coldplay tickets :D
or some form of subsidy at least. bloody 88/158 bucks tickets sooooooollllddd ouuuttttt ._.
Coldplay tickets :D
or some form of subsidy at least. bloody 88/158 bucks tickets sooooooollllddd ouuuttttt ._.
starry eyed
okay that's not the point (you just can't see her hair). she's a chick, but she'll pawn you anyday, cereal. hands down, no effort needed. today (yesterday, rather), my dear friend dolyce got her venom piercing, all at one go. beat that mofos.
Monday, February 16, 2009
shizzle ma nizzle
feeeeeeel soooooooooooooooooooo bloooodddy tirrrrrreeed. but somehow, rejuvenated at the same time. endorphins. happy.
im a happy kid. i will remain a happy kid.
im a happy kid. i will remain a happy kid.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
on the house
school has formally ended, with exams the only thing that's leaving the 'party' switch stuck at 'OFF'. but still, that doesn't mean i can't have fun eh? :D gratz to Alvin on getting wasted after such a long wait. my turn soon, i guess, in approximately 12 days hehehe.
one thing i hate about facebook is that almost everyone, a.k.a family members, use it, and i have tagged pictures, a.k.a @ parties, of myself i'd prefer they didn't see. tsk. drink ah drink. three cheers for FB hip hip fucking hooray.
one thing i hate about facebook is that almost everyone, a.k.a family members, use it, and i have tagged pictures, a.k.a @ parties, of myself i'd prefer they didn't see. tsk. drink ah drink. three cheers for FB hip hip fucking hooray.
Friday, February 13, 2009
beware! cougar!
won in poker today.
im a happy kid (with only a slight relation to the above sentence).
im a happy kid (with only a slight relation to the above sentence).
Thursday, February 12, 2009
and the one after
nothing beats cold ham and cheese and weird tasting chocolates for supper.
now where's my water?!
now where's my water?!
the 100th
Rock is the area between the balls and the anus of a dog or of a man.Rock is the possibility of choking on your own vomit in the back of a rapist van.
denim clad satanists making love in the sewers of Burmingham during Maggie Thatchers prime
Rock is meeting the grim reaper in a sports arena stampede at the tender age of nine
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
paranoia. poetic inspriation. gibberish. heavy eyelids. uncontrollable laughter.
the wait is killing me.
i feel somewhat 'second-class' now, shunned, and i've got no one but myself to blame. and they say tomorrow's a better day.
the wait is killing me.
i feel somewhat 'second-class' now, shunned, and i've got no one but myself to blame. and they say tomorrow's a better day.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
in two days, tomorrow will become yesterday
yesterday made me realize how people can be so self-contradictory. hypocritical.
yesterday also made me laugh at how some are willing to do almost anything to get what they want, no matter how degrading. demeaning.
life's awesome really- at least till the exams come.
happy 18th Melody (she's funny when she's high heh)
yesterday also made me laugh at how some are willing to do almost anything to get what they want, no matter how degrading. demeaning.
life's awesome really- at least till the exams come.
happy 18th Melody (she's funny when she's high heh)
Monday, February 9, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
the one with the talking green jellybean
the only pleasing thing about today is prolly the fact that i officially do not have any projects/presentations left to do a.k.a formal wear will be collecting dust whoopiedoo :)
after ages i've finally done some exercise, and i foresee a very painful morning when i wake up :/ shhhhhhhhhhhiiiiizzzzz that's gonna suck. hopefully i can wake up for school without any.. uh, difficultly, otherwise it's gonna be a ngp for accounting! speaking of that, julie was nice enough to overlook the fact that i wasn't there for french consultation last week :D i think my roleplay helped with that HAHA aweeeesommmmmeee.
i wanna skeeeeeeep schooooooooooool
after ages i've finally done some exercise, and i foresee a very painful morning when i wake up :/ shhhhhhhhhhhiiiiizzzzz that's gonna suck. hopefully i can wake up for school without any.. uh, difficultly, otherwise it's gonna be a ngp for accounting! speaking of that, julie was nice enough to overlook the fact that i wasn't there for french consultation last week :D i think my roleplay helped with that HAHA aweeeesommmmmeee.
i wanna skeeeeeeep schooooooooooool
Thursday, February 5, 2009
i is like watching babies eat lemons on youtube HAHA it's my new favourite thing to do. i just realised the song on my blog is cut, sad no one told me ):
i've been looking through these eyes of black and white for far too long
told myself that i prolly won't remember anything if i try practice for my french roleplay so i've stopped and now im sitting here finishing up leftover cny cookies despite my bad throat :) ahh, this is the life i swear, but i wonder how long it'll be before i suffer the repercussions of the actions im choosing now :O lets hope it's not in 18 hours, when roleplaying actually starts, but only after, please please please (or even better, never). you know the only reason why i blog so many times at once is because i'd prefer to blog about something when it's fresh in my mind, rather than having to keep searching and digging my brains for what was there ten minutes ago ._. what to do, stm stm.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
bring up the past just makes me soooo.... :/
many things i regret not doing today, tsk tsk. but hey, im really proud of myself cos i woke up for schoolwithout snoozing my alarm hehe.
time. to. practice. french. salut.
sleep well, darling. wherever you are, i hope that you're happy tonight.
and maybe you've found someone who'll love you right.
sleep well, darling. im desperate to say, now i need you more than ever,
but all i could say was goodnight
Sun - Daphne Loves Derby
many things i regret not doing today, tsk tsk. but hey, im really proud of myself cos i woke up for school
time. to. practice. french. salut.
sleep well, darling. wherever you are, i hope that you're happy tonight.
and maybe you've found someone who'll love you right.
sleep well, darling. im desperate to say, now i need you more than ever,
but all i could say was goodnight
Sun - Daphne Loves Derby
just when i don't need it
hah, okay so i didn't go to bed. i had good company, what can i say? :) recent happenings in the past few weeks have prompted me to, well, give my opinion on certain stuff. no, i wouldn't call this a rant, cos im not exactly angry/pissed & this is kinda constructive (i guess?). i prefer to call this enlightenment/brendon shares his wisdom or if you prefer, verbal diarrhea :) (which then contradicts my previous sentence cos a rant is sort of a form of VD, to me anyways)
you know at times people ask, do you think this or that? what if this does/doesn't happen? should i do this? will they ever do this and that?
honestly, i don't know. life's like a deck of cards (chose this partially cos of the CNY spirit), and what you want may not be what you'll get. a ten or Jack comes when you only need an eight or a seven. a three or four pops up when you really want a nine or a ten. but there'll be this one time when the cards you have are just right, and everything falls into place perfectly.
what im trying to say is that life's a gamble. i've taken the gamble a few times ever since poly life started, and i can honestly say it can bite you in the ass sometimes (hard. leaves deep marks too), but hey, you'll never know what's gonna happen if you're too scared to try. sure, you lose part of your fortune due to bad risks taken (once again, in relation to the cards. can't think of a better analogy, sorry), but things will eventually go your way. you'll fall and scab your knees every once in awhile, and i guess that's kinda inevitable if you want to get what you really want/where you want to be in life. it's just a matter of how we let things affect us and how we deal with whatever happens. brooding over things way out of our control is really a waste of time, and energy.
and then... the mind goes blank! :/ tsk.
p.s. i'd just like to add, you may see all this coming from me now, but in like two weeks i'll prolly come whining to a few of you about this, that and whatnot haha. that's me, i've never really practiced what i've (rarely) preached sooooo yeah. but! i hope reading this may have helped a few of you (you know who you are!) going through a similar situation as in the abovementioned post :) that was basically the aim anyways so ciao!
you know at times people ask, do you think this or that? what if this does/doesn't happen? should i do this? will they ever do this and that?
honestly, i don't know. life's like a deck of cards (chose this partially cos of the CNY spirit), and what you want may not be what you'll get. a ten or Jack comes when you only need an eight or a seven. a three or four pops up when you really want a nine or a ten. but there'll be this one time when the cards you have are just right, and everything falls into place perfectly.
what im trying to say is that life's a gamble. i've taken the gamble a few times ever since poly life started, and i can honestly say it can bite you in the ass sometimes (hard. leaves deep marks too), but hey, you'll never know what's gonna happen if you're too scared to try. sure, you lose part of your fortune due to bad risks taken (once again, in relation to the cards. can't think of a better analogy, sorry), but things will eventually go your way. you'll fall and scab your knees every once in awhile, and i guess that's kinda inevitable if you want to get what you really want/where you want to be in life. it's just a matter of how we let things affect us and how we deal with whatever happens. brooding over things way out of our control is really a waste of time, and energy.
and then... the mind goes blank! :/ tsk.
p.s. i'd just like to add, you may see all this coming from me now, but in like two weeks i'll prolly come whining to a few of you about this, that and whatnot haha. that's me, i've never really practiced what i've (rarely) preached sooooo yeah. but! i hope reading this may have helped a few of you (you know who you are!) going through a similar situation as in the abovementioned post :) that was basically the aim anyways so ciao!
another cigarette and im so bored, your words aren't making sense.
okay so i have an aim to make this post as long as possible with approximately 18 minutes to 2, by which i will go to bed, one hour later than the proposed time i told myself to go to bed today tsk.
hah, the above dots were the number of minutes before i could actually think of something to blog about. so last night i had a rather meaninglesss + weird dream (as usual). involves a group of friends whom i no longer keep in contact with, prata, switching buses to get on the same bus as someone, and looking for a tattoo shop in a park (something 5?/5 something?). soooooo yeaaaahhhhh..
hmm, nope, nothing else, it's 2:01 now, goodnight
p.s HEY HO 19 MORE DAYS MUAHAHHAHAHA (but got exams ):)
okay so i have an aim to make this post as long as possible with approximately 18 minutes to 2, by which i will go to bed, one hour later than the proposed time i told myself to go to bed today tsk.
hah, the above dots were the number of minutes before i could actually think of something to blog about. so last night i had a rather meaninglesss + weird dream (as usual). involves a group of friends whom i no longer keep in contact with, prata, switching buses to get on the same bus as someone, and looking for a tattoo shop in a park (something 5?/5 something?). soooooo yeaaaahhhhh..
hmm, nope, nothing else, it's 2:01 now, goodnight
p.s HEY HO 19 MORE DAYS MUAHAHHAHAHA (but got exams ):)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
ohh noo
very bad sore throat, think i even saw blood, tsk tsk.
i think i need to stop pushing back my alarm time 2 hours everytime it rings before it becomes a very VERY bad habit. feel like putting a note on my ceiling that says DO NOTE THAT YOUR EXAMS ARE COMING that sort of thing, but then i guess i'll probably be too tired to even notice it.
so i finally got the subs for Hors de Prix to work (nice show btw) real proud of myself hehe but it's kinda out of sync like everything's 30 seconds late and i still don't really understand the show cos it's in french except for a few simple words like très bien and s'il vous plaît or what have you. i still have not learnt how to curse in french but imma self-teach myself soon hehe
i think i will be going booking hunting for the horimouja book sometime soon, anyone wanna follow? :) oh shizzzz, look at the time, im gonna be late hehehe ciao happy birthday to me :D
i think i need to stop pushing back my alarm time 2 hours everytime it rings before it becomes a very VERY bad habit. feel like putting a note on my ceiling that says DO NOTE THAT YOUR EXAMS ARE COMING that sort of thing, but then i guess i'll probably be too tired to even notice it.
so i finally got the subs for Hors de Prix to work (nice show btw) real proud of myself hehe but it's kinda out of sync like everything's 30 seconds late and i still don't really understand the show cos it's in french except for a few simple words like très bien and s'il vous plaît or what have you. i still have not learnt how to curse in french but imma self-teach myself soon hehe
i think i will be going booking hunting for the horimouja book sometime soon, anyone wanna follow? :) oh shizzzz, look at the time, im gonna be late hehehe ciao happy birthday to me :D
Monday, February 2, 2009
when it rains
clouds fill the sky, but it don't matter.
the sun don't shine, but it don't matter.
it gets cold, but it don't matter.
my shoes are soaked, but it don't matter.
my hair's wet, but it don't matter.
i've got water in my eyes, but it don't matter.
it don't matter, it don't matter.
girls- the root of every guy's problems, HAHA
the sun don't shine, but it don't matter.
it gets cold, but it don't matter.
my shoes are soaked, but it don't matter.
my hair's wet, but it don't matter.
i've got water in my eyes, but it don't matter.
it don't matter, it don't matter.
girls- the root of every guy's problems, HAHA
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