the 26th: went over to hutt's place to bake haresh's cake. decided to bake extra mini cakes with rather, ehm... exotic flavours like tabasco, wasabi, lemon paste, maggi seasoning, coke, pepper, a lot of salt, CHIN CHA LOK which should never be added into cakes, or anything for that matter, and a shitload of various herbs and spices MUAHAHA.
the 27th:
of course, im the only one who can come up with such bullshit such as since you're 17 already you have to blow on my flour-filled hand 17 times and he, the only one smart enough to believe all the bullshit i come up with. but im sure he was just being sporting since it was his birthday :)
and a shower of whipped cream and chocolate syrup ensued.
the decorate-e & the decorate-rs
right after it was the outing with rinku but im too lazy to go on any longer mainly cos it would mean more pictures (blogger is shit) and there's school tomorrow (why can't it start next week) so i'll just put up a group picture hehe.
and now i just remembered that i actually wanted to blog for a whole different reason -_- TALK ABOUT DIGRESSING EH? (insert vulgarity here)
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