Tuesday, December 30, 2008

when the cow goes ROAR...

no more unhealthy stuff for me

me hearts katy perry many many HAHA

Monday, December 29, 2008

Diamonds aren't forever

this is prolly the most i've blogged since forever. daily posts? that is so three/four years ago haha.

the 26th: went over to hutt's place to bake haresh's cake. decided to bake extra mini cakes with rather, ehm... exotic flavours like tabasco, wasabi, lemon paste, maggi seasoning, coke, pepper, a lot of salt, CHIN CHA LOK which should never be added into cakes, or anything for that matter, and a shitload of various herbs and spices MUAHAHA.

the 27th:

of course, im the only one who can come up with such bullshit such as since you're 17 already you have to blow on my flour-filled hand 17 times and he, the only one smart enough to believe all the bullshit i come up with. but im sure he was just being sporting since it was his birthday :)

and a shower of whipped cream and chocolate syrup ensued.

the decorate-e & the decorate-rs

and after he gave us that cheeky grin on his face, we were chased with our own ammo. lesson learnt: never leave your weapons lying around HAHA. (i kinda helped by actually TELLING him to chase us otherwise he'd just sit there licking himself i swear)

so happy (belated) birthdays to haresh and YQ (he had to be extra and cut both cakes so he could feel special i kid). we had a very hard time eating the shitcakes (that's what we called them) we made the previous day, FUCKING HORRIBLE I SWEAR.

right after it was the outing with rinku but im too lazy to go on any longer mainly cos it would mean more pictures (blogger is shit) and there's school tomorrow (why can't it start next week) so i'll just put up a group picture hehe.


and now i just remembered that i actually wanted to blog for a whole different reason -_- TALK ABOUT DIGRESSING EH? (insert vulgarity here)

Sunday, December 28, 2008


i just found out i have a project to pass up TO-FUCKING-MORROW -_-

no need for instructions, i've read about you on the back of toilet doors


Saturday, December 27, 2008

the christmas bug

rainy days and too many late nights have clogged up my nose with warm, yellow, sometimes bubbly sludge which sometimes oozes down to my upper lip if left unattended. yet, i choose to look on the bright side cos at times.. I CAN MAKE HUGE BUBBLES! HAHA

not much has been happening these days (except for stuff that i CAN'T disclose HEHE) but i can add the fact that i've listened to Sinatra's christmas album 20 successive times yeah i kid you not it's still as awesome as ever (or maybe it'll last another 10 rounds or so). and im still racking what's left of my brains for an awesome new year's party. WHAT WOULD MACGYVER DO?! :D

geez-weez it's late (in my sick standards). goodnight

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008



Monday, December 22, 2008

her stupid little things

i sound like a broken gramophone. not just the 'dropped-and-broken' broken or the 'too-old-to-continue-working' broken, but the 'dropped-then-stomped-on-then-smashed-to-bits-with-a-baseball-bat-then-ran-over-with-a-bulldozer-then-thrown-into-a-furnace' broken, muahaha.

shit happens..

Thursday, December 11, 2008


wrestling- a good way for grown adult men to touch, grapple and grope each other in front of thousands of people (who are enjoying it btw) and makes them seem big, mean and macho all at the same time.

just what i felt was thought of the day, muahaha

Friday, December 5, 2008

what's her name again?

two words: insufficeint sleep. but by choice really; all just to get back at a particular group of people who have been, well.. let's just say siphoning off moolahs from me poor, close-to-empty wallet, haha. few would know, few would know.

the word "bro" is just so damn over-rated sometimes. definitely NOT for the egocentristic. annnnnnnnd im stuck here haha k bye

exams? what exams?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

barbeque with the bimbos

this is NOT chicken wings! (when it obviously is), can you just help me cook ONE satay? (and they complain food was served too slow), oh ya we need to put butter, you smart! (duh, otherwise how are you gonna barbeque?), 5+1+1=6! (GENIUS!)

i feel smart already, HAHAHAHAHA