Monday, June 30, 2008


i need to do something about my hair.

fucking orgasmic lah i swear

Sunday, June 29, 2008

choose your fate

definitely not this.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

you your you're

sometimes is just doesn't make a difference no matter how hard you try; you work hard at something, even till it hurts. you sweat, you bleed, tears are shed, but it all just amounts to nothing. some things just can't be paid with sweat, blood, and tears. i guess that's the fucked up part.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

summer wind

help me please, i beg of you, help me please.

it's make or break baby.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

this is starting to get to me..

just nine posts and im thinking of stopping already, whoa. we're into the second week of hols and everything just feels the same, pretty mundane, cept for the fact the the first week was preeetay... miserable, i must say. won't go much into detail, but i guess 'stuck at home' pretty much sums up everything and, gives up everything as well, making the whole 'won't go much into detail' rather meaningless. at least things were done to spice things up a little, hehehe, okay shh.

the evil jelly things in Pac-Man should NOT be allowed to revive at all.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

from today onwards, no more 'fishing' for me :D goooo healthy lifestyle!
fucking sarg cheated in the slap bet we had today. RETRIBUTION SARG, RETRIBUTION!
goodnight :)